Saturday 27 February 2016

Wintersett + Gull Roost Let Down 27.02.16

0 - 6 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a light, but very cold, north easterly.
Anglers CP:  2 skeins of Pink-footed Geese, 110 + 150 flew west at 09.40hrs.  Golden Plover 20 south and 40 west  WRes.. .  Redwing 20 and Snipe 15.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 1 male boathouse reeds + 1  singing male south east corner. Kingfisher 1.   Buzzard 1 (Botany). 
Cold Hiendley SF: Pied Wagtail 58 and Grey Wagtail 3.
Haw Park Wood: Siskin 5.  Nuthatch 1 + 1 Pits Wood.
Gull Roosts:
15 visitors and the Wintersett Team  had their hopes dashed as the gull roosts failed to live up to expectations.  After the fantastic results over the last three evenings, tonight was a very big let down, with  a 1stW Mediterranean Gull the only bird of note on WRes..  Large Gull numbers were down on WRes, but better on Anglers CP.   Eight observers dashed from WRes to ACP at 17.20hrs as groups of large gulls were seen to be dropping in from Hampole direction, where all three Kumliens, the 2ndW Iceland and the juvenile Glaucous Gull had been seen today. Unfortunately none of these birds could be found.  At dusk groups of large gulls were dropping on ACP from the north west.  At dark hundreds of gulls were flying over the car park from WRes to ACP.    As we have seen in the  last few weeks, there are nights when some of the Hampole large gulls choose to roost elsewhere.  Unfortunately the notables chose to do just that tonight. A very disappointing end to the day for all observers.

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