Thursday 4 February 2016

Wintersett + Surprising Gull Roost 04.02.16

10 degrees with 8/8 and a cold north westerly breeze.
Anglers CP: Cormorant 15,  Little Grebe 3 + 3 WRes and Fieldfare 2 west.
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 24.
ACP Gull Roost was much better this afternoon, with many more large gulls coming in, up to and after dark.  Notables were a 1st W Caspian Gull at 16.35hrs and the juvenile Kumlien's Gull at 16.45. Then, unbelievably, another Kumlien's Gull was picked up by Pete Smith, an adult, at 17.00hrs.  What a great surprise!

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