Saturday 26 March 2016

Wintersett 26.03.16

5 - 7 degrees with increasing cloud and a strengthening south westerly.
Anglers CP + Vis Mig: The first SWALLOW of spring flew south.   Redwing 620W,  Fieldfare 117 WGolden Plover 40 S,  Meadow Pipit 8 NW,  Sand Martin 6,  Siskin 2,  Pochard 1m + 1f,  Shoveler 8,   Greater Black-backed Gull 1 over, Kingfisher 1.   A RED KITE drifted N over at 08.25hrs, then picked up again over Wintersett Village at 10.25hrs and again over HPWood at 10.35hrs.   Star bird today was a RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE seen near Santingley. 
Wintersett Res: Water Rail 1,  Cetti's Warbler 1 singing in SE corner reedbed.

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