Thursday 3 March 2016

Wintersett + Gull Roost 03.03.16

2 - 6 degrees,  sunny start, clouded over late morning and  a light south westerly
Anglers CP: Shoveler 2,  Goosander 6,  Woodcock 2.     
Wintersett Res:  Cetti's Warbler 2 singing males -  north bank and SE corner.  Barn Owl 1.
Both gull roosts were checked this afternoon:
WRes.  The juvenile Kumlien's Gull  flew in at 16.45hrs. 
Area Totals: Herring 1157  (564 WR + 593 ACP),    Great Black-backed Gull 7 (1 WRes + 6 ACP),   Lesser Black-backed Gull 23 ( 7 WR + 16 ACP).
Goldeneye  111  (72WR  + 39 ACP)   This is the peak number for winter so far.

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