Sunday 6 March 2016

Wintersett + Gull Roost 06.03.16

2 - 4 degrees,  cloudy with sunny spells,  snow flurries and a light north westerly.
Anglers CP:  5 Whooper Swans were in very early.  Little Grebe 5,  Teal 1 and  Siskin 1.  A Barn Owl was at Wintersett Village at 16.15hrs.
Cold Hiendley Res: 96 Golden Plover were in the fields.   Grey Wagtail 2.
Wintersett Res: Two birds were new for the year list - a female Stonechat was on the north bank and a  Long-eared Owl was seen.   A Peregrine was circling south at 11.50hrs.   4 singing male Cetti's Warblers - north bank, south east corner,  west bank and boathouse reeds.  A Curlew flew over.  Water Rail 1 west bank and 1 Botany.  Willow Tit 2 - west bank  Willow Wood.   A Nuthatch was heard in Pits Wood. Goosander 6 and Tawny Owl 1.
ACP Gull Roost: A juvenile Glaucous Gull flew in at 17.02hrs and the leucistic Black-headed Gull was in at 17.25hrs.  Herring Gull 180,  Great Black-backed Gull 16 and  Lesser Black-backed Gull 4.

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