Tuesday 10 May 2016

Wintersett 10.05.16

8 - 11degrees with 8/8 cloud and rain from late morning onwards.
Wintersett Res:  A Cuckoo was calling on the east bank and 2 were chasing by the old pumphouse. Common Tern 2. 
Anglers CP: The Oystercatchers nearest to the hide have 4 young.  Common Sandpiper 2 and Greylag Goose 2.    Chris Swaine found 2 Knot on the islands early evening.  They were still present at 20.15hrs per Steve Denny.
Critters: A Stoat crossed the road from WRes to Botany.  The Red-eared Terrapin was in NE corner WRes.
Lepidoptera: Green-veined White 20 + 5 HPLane,  Small Tortoiseshell 1,  Speckled Wood 2 and Peacock 4 per RHibbert and LCorrall

                                    Knot                     ACP    SDenny

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