Sunday 19 June 2016

Wintersett 19.06.15

16- 19 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a light south westerly. The sun broke through twice for a very short time.
Anglers CP: A Little Ringed Plover flew over at 08.58hrs.  Common Tern 1,  Grey Wagtail 1,  Shoveler 1m and Greylag Goose 61.  Lapwing 3 young.  4 broods of Black-headed Gull 1 + 3 + 2 + 2. 
Wintersett Res: Willow Tit 2 and Water Rail 1.  Grasshopper Warbler 1 adult + 2 fledged young.  Great Crested Grebe 1 sat + 1 large and 2 medium young.
Lepidoptera: A Painted Lady  was on the NE bank WRes.
Lynz Harston took this great shot of a Wren before the Marathon runners and other visitors arrived this morning. 
Wren                    ACP     LHarston

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