Sunday 26 June 2016

Wintersett - Full House 26.06.16

13 - 18 degrees with scattered, then increasing,  cloud and a light northerly this morning.
Wintersett Res: 2 male Yellow Wagtails were in SW field +  a further 3 males in Cold Hiendley field.  House Martin 100.
Cold Hiendley Res: Gadwall 1 female and 6 medium young  + 3 small young ACP.   Mallard 3 fledged young.
Lepidoptera: A Painted Lady was seen in the field just before Haw Park Wood.
Anglers CP: Common Tern 1. Pochard 1 drake.  Curlew 16 W at 18.30hrs. 
Good news from the Sand Martin Box:
Over the past week the last two available nest holes have been excavated and all 24 nest holes  are now occupied.  The earliest broods have already fledged and it's looking like a successful season so far, with 300 Sand Martins  counted over Wintersett Res today.
Nationally, there can't be many, if any,  artificial Sand Martin nest sites, that can boast an amazing 100%  occupancy. 

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