Monday 20 June 2016

Wintersett MEGA!! 20.06.16

16 - 19 degrees, with rain until late morning and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: Steve Denny had a great start to his week early this morning. A Little Egret was on the shallows but left south at 06. 45hrs.  Then, from the hide,  he picked up a LONG-TAILED SKUA, (with a long tail ) going over/through,  being mobbed by Black-headed Gulls at 06.55hrs.  Common Tern 3,  Oystercatcher 5 adults + 3 young.   5 new very small  Mallard Ducklings  were seen.   70 Greylag Goose and 95 Canada Goose in wing moult with 11 Canada fledged young.  Mute Swan 5 young (south pair), no young with north pair. 

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