Tuesday 30 August 2016

Carlton Marsh

Work on cutting back vegetation around the wader scrape is now complete and the water levels should be more suitable for waders.  Today's highlights were juv Buzzard, Grey Wagtail, Shoveler, Kingfisher 2, Barn Owl this afternoon and Tawny Owl this evening. Also present singing Chiffchaff and singing Coal Tit.

Butterflies included Holly Blue 1, Painted Lady 4 and Peacock 1. A Red Underwing and a Vapourer moth were abroad.

Storrs Mill Wood - River Dearne (yesterday 29th)
Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail and Little Egret. Butterflies in evidence were Painted Lady 2, Red Admiral 4, Peacock 1, Small Tortoiseshell 4, Comma 1, Gatekeeper 1, Brown Argus 1 and Small Copper 3. A Vapourer moth was on the wing and 4 Red Underwings were sunning themselves on the river bridge. (Chris Parkin) For a nocturnal species it might seem unusual behaviour and it is, but I have witnessed this on two previous occasions on the same bridge.

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