Tuesday 23 August 2016

Wintersett 23.08.16

Up to 25 degrees today, sunny with scattered cloud and a light south easterly.
Anglers CP: A Ringed Plover flew SW at 06.35hrs.  A  RAVEN flew east over the car park at 09.03hrs.    Snipe 1.
Wintersett Res: A juvenile LITTLE  GULL was on early,  but couldn't be relocated mid morning.
A Tree Pipit flew over.  Shoveler 2.
40 birds were ringed today, including 1st year male REDSTART (the first ringed here for several years),  a Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Garden Warblers. Hardly any Willow Warblers here, in contrast to the east coast.
Overnight moth trapping produced Twin-spotted Wainscott,  Crescent,  3 Dingy Footmen,  3 Dusky Thorn and Cenre-barred Sallow.  Also attracted to the light trap was this Sexton Beetle.

Nicrophorus humator      ACP   ASmith

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