Sunday 18 September 2016

Wintersett 18.09.16

 12 - 20 degrees with 0/8 and a very light north westerly.
Anglers CP Vis.Mig: 08.00 - 11.00hrs  Another watch very light on numbers. 
Going south: Swallow 14, Meadow Pipit 96,  Grey Wagtail 1,  Pied Wagtail 2,   Siskin 16 ,  Greenfinch 3, Mistle Thrush 3,
Others: Snipe 2 N,   Skylark 1 NE and   Cormorant 9NW.
Anglers CP: Wigeon 19 + 14 dropped in from high east.  A Little Egret was on the shallows.
Haw Park Wood:  Nuthatch 1,   Buzzard 3, Treecreeper 1 and 7 Siskin 7.
Birds ringed today included:  Blackcap 4,  Chiffchaff 4,  Reed Warbler 1 and  Willow Warbler 1.
Wintersett Res: A male Cetti's Warbler was singing on the west bank.
Moorhouse Lane Big Pond Critters:  Several  of Common Darter,  Ruddy Darter,  Migrant Hawker and Emerald Damselfly.  Singles of  Migrant Hawker,  Southern Hawker,  Red Admiral and Silver Y.
Highlight of the morning was my first ever Grass Snake, about 40cm long. It  woke up, hissed and then slithered away.  

Grass Snake record shot.     MHLPond     ASmith

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