Sunday 13 November 2016

Edderthorpe, weekend...

Highlights from this weekends WeBS counts at Edderthorpe & Houghton include;-
Canada Goose 163, Greylag Goose 328, White-fronted Goose 1 juvenile, Mallard 240, Teal 233, Gadwall 32, Pintail 2, Wigeon 86, Shoveler 52, Pochard 31, Goldeneye 1, Goosander 2, Water Rail 2, Little Egret 4 roosted in trees on Saturday evening, Lapwing 150, Golden Plover 316, Dunlin 3, Snipe 5.

And up the valley at Ferry Moor & Cudworth Common;-
Mallard 120, Shoveler 26, Teal 4, Goosander 2, Moorhen 23

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