Wednesday 23 November 2016

Wilthorpe Marsh / Midhope Low Moor, 23/11/16.

Wilthorpe - A small flood in a field just n. of the sewage farm had Green Sandpiper, Little Egret and 8 BH Gulls. Nearby bushes had Chiffchaff and Goldcrest. An imm. Peregrine went through the sewage farm and seen again further down the river + G and GS Woodpeckers. Adult Water Rail showed well and flock of 60 Goldfinchs. Midhope / Low Moor this aft started and ended with low cloud and poor light but the couple of hours inbetween were productive with a Goshawk seen twice, 2 Sparrowhawks, C Buzzard 2, 100 Pinkfeet flew w at 2-00pm, Raven 1 pair, Snipe 3 flying around in almost display mode. Only about 20 Fieldfare in nearby hawthorn with Goldcrest, 7 LT Tits and 4 Redpolls. At and on the res. were 11 Teal, 1 Crossbill and 7 Redpolls. The Low Moor corner Robin was as friendly as ever perching on my scope and fighting itself in my wing mirrors.

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