Monday 19 December 2016

Barnsley Bird Records

I wish to announce that I will now be collating bird records for the Barnsley recording area. If anyone has records dating between 2014 to the current year, could you please send them to , or if you prefer an alternative way to submit records, please contact me.

Preferably, could all records be submitted in species order (systematic list) with records including any relevant and noteworthy counts (no need to submit 3 Great Tits on someone's nuts etc!). A report of some sort will be produced, but this depends upon how soon records are submitted.

I'm sure that anyone reading this blog recognises how fantastic the Barnsley recording area is and it would be a shame to lose any data of the important bird populations we have in the borough. The area also has a long history of recording, with some of the pioneer birdwatchers still birding to this day. I think it's essential that we now keep up with past efforts of recording and report writing, especially at a time when conservation is important as ever.

Many thanks,

Carl Dixon


  1. Carl, over recent years I have sent bird sightings for Carlton Marsh to Dave Bamf, but if you are going to collate them I will send them to the email you have provided. If you don't have 2014/15 records for Carlton Marsh I can send them on to you.

    1. That would be brilliant Cliff! thanks very much

  2. Carl, what about 2013 records, or is this still to be finished as an individual report?


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