Saturday 14 January 2017

Wilthorpe Marsh 14/1/17.

The second record for the area was a Water Pipit with a few Meadow Pipits on wires before dropping down on the dyke to drink where it showed again briefly but lost to view and thought to have gone to the sewage farm. Also 2 possibly 3 Chiffchaffs on the river included a common showing well. Central marsh area was flushed with 1 Jack and 9 Common Snipe + 1 Rail. Oxbow pond had fem. Pintail, drk. Wigeon and 35+ grazing Moorhen. Little Owl was in its favourite oak at the w end and Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel completed the bop.

1 comment:

  1. could you be a little more specific as to where to find the little owl? Thanks in advance


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