Monday 2 January 2017

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 02.02.17

3 degrees, sunny  clear sky with a light north westerly.
Anglers CP: Little Grebe 6 + 3 WRes..  Shoveler 3 + 4 WRes. Teal 21.   Water Rail 1 + 1 boathouse reeds WRes..  Barn Owl 3 late afternoon and Woodcock 1 at dusk.
Wintersett Res:  A singing male Cetti's Warbler with another calling, both in the same area of the SW bank.
Cold Hiendley Field: Skylark 600,  Yellowhammer 45 + 3 WRes., Stock Dove 20 and Grey Partridge 12.   A Saker type hybrid flew over from the sewage farm and continued south. 
Gull Roosts:
Notables WRes: A 2nd W Caspian Gull was in at 15.30hrs.,  an adult Yellow-legged Gull at 15.50hrs and an adult Mediterranean Gull at 15.30hrs. 
Totals:  Great Black-backed Gull           380          130  WRes   +  250 ACP
              Herring Gull                            1650           850  WRes  +  800 ACP
              Lesser Black-backed Gull           11              6 WRes    +      5 ACP

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