Saturday 7 January 2017

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 07.01.17

6 - 9 degrees, with 5/8 - 8/8 cloud this morning and a very light westerly. 
Anglers CP: A Brambling flew over..
Birds ringed today included a Mealy Redpoll,  11 Lesser Redpoll,  4 Chaffinch and 1 Reed Bunting.
Cold Hiendley area:  Grey Wagtail 1.  Grey Partridge 11.  Chiffchaff 1.
Haw Park Wood: Siskin 35  + 2 ACP.  Nuthatch 3.  Treecreeper 2.  Goldcrest 10 + 1 HPLane.
Wintersett Res: 331 Pink-footed Geese going west -   100 + 130 at 08.50hrs + 50 at 10.20 + 51 at 15.00hrs.  38 Golden Plover flew over west.   2 male Cetti's Warblers - boathouse reeds and west bank.   Water Rail 2 + 1 CHRes.
WRes. Gull Roost: 
Notables: Visiting birder, Daniel Langston, picked up a pale juvenile Glaucous Gull flying in at 15.25hrs.  It left south at 15.35hrs.   An adult Yellow-legged Gull was picked up at 15.55hrs.  A dark juvenile Glaucous Gull (looked like bird from Wednesday 4th) was in from 16.20hrs.  An adult Mediterranean Gull was seen at 16.40hrs and a 1st W Caspian Gull was also seen.
Totals: Great Black-backed Gull 140,  Herring Gull 1500,   Lesser Black-backed Gull 7.  At dark lots of big gulls were still coming in from Hampole.
Other Critters: A large Bat was over WRes. at dusk.  A Weasel was seen on Haw Park Lane. 

                                    Juvenile Glaucous Gull              WRes.   CSwaine

                         Pale   Juvenile Glaucous Gull            WRes,  SDenny    

   Juvenile Glaucous Gull                           WRes.   CSwaine

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