Wednesday 18 January 2017

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 18.01.17

6 - 8 degrees,  8/8 lighter cloud with an occasional sunny break, and a very light westerly.
Disposal Point: Redpoll 60.
Anglers CP: A Ruff,  on the shallows with the Lapwings,  was picked up by visitors and identified by Mark Dillingham.    A  Pink-footed Goose was in the back field with the Canadas and then  flew on to the south bank.  Redwing 20.   Shoveler 14 + 5 WRes..
                              Pink-footed Goose      ACP        CSwaine

 Wintersett Res: The male Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.
Both Gull Roosts were checked today, but, yet again, it was very frustrating because birds were switching between waters.  There were good numbers of big gulls on WRes. but they were swimming around in a tight pack and this reduced all chances of picking up notables to zero. Also, lots of birds were coming in late when it was dark. 
Of interest: 22 Waxwings were near the Slipper in Crofton this morning, but the group split up and some went to other parts of the village. By late afternoon there were 30  birds present.  Chris Swaine et al were interviewed  at Anglers CP, and then broadcast on Radio Leeds!

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