Friday 10 February 2017

Carlton Marsh

A blocking high pressure system is responsible for the current overcast North Easterly and near freezing temperatures. Today's highlights were; Buzzard 2, Redpoll 2, Coot 14, Cormorant 3, Fieldfare 8, Water Rail 2, Willow Tit, Coal Tit and Tawny Owl. Not forgetting Bittern at 14.35hrs on the scrape. It climbed the reeds at 15.42hrs and flew into the main marsh. A Barn Owl hunting from 16.28hrs was joined by a second bird at 16.49hrs and 2 Little Egrets came in to roost at 17.27hrs. A Fox was on the prowl earlier. (Rod Heeley/Chris Parkin/Dave Standish/CG)

Upper Cudworth
20 Waxwings alighted briefly in Geoff Miller's Beech Avenue garden at 10.25hrs, before leaving NE.

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