Tuesday 14 February 2017

Newmillerdam 14 (&13th) February 2017

Mild, dry day and quite busy with it being half-term.

Black-headed gull, Canada goose (29), coot (37), goosander (5 2m/3f), great crested grebe (1), lesser black-backed gull (1), little grebe (1), mallard, moorhen (10), mute swan (6), pochard (3), teal (5), tufted duck (21), whooper swan (1).

Monday 13th
Black-headed gull, Canada goose (30), coot (23), goosander (4 2m/2f), great crested grebe (1), lesser black-backed gull (1), little grebe (3), moorhen (4), mute swan (6), pochard (1), teal (1), tufted duck (16), whooper swan (1).

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