Wednesday 15 March 2017

Carlton Marsh

It was another amazingly sunny day with a light SW and a high of 17.1c!
A herd of Whooper Swans were calling as they flew over the observer's Cudworth home at 06.25hrs. (Rod Heeley)
The highlights of today at the marsh were; Tawny Owl roosting in a Scots Pine, 28 Canada Geese, 2 Cormorants, 2 singing Little Grebes, 4 singing Chiffchaffs, Goldcrest, 2 Buzzards and 5 Herring Gulls south. Just when I thought I had 2 Crossbills in the same Scots Pine, the birds well hidden, they turned out to be Lesser Redpolls.
2 Redshanks were feeding on the wader scrape, which is looking good now and, Little Owl and male and female Peregrine were nearby. A Barn Owl was hunting from 18.30hrs and 3 Tawny Owls (2 males) were calling at dusk.
Butterflies included 2 Comma and 1 male Brimstone. (Tony Harding/Dave\Standish/CG)

Storrs Mill Wood Area
4 Buzzards were thermalling over the wood, 2 Little Owls were present along with Green Woodpecker and Chiffchaff.
Butterflies were in abundance with Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, 22 Comma and 7 male Brimstone.
The first Bluebells and Wood Anemones are in flower and c500 Chub were seen in Cudworth Dike, Low Cudworth! (Chris Parkin)

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