Monday 6 March 2017

Carlton Marsh

73 species recorded in February 2017 was an all time record!
This afternoon with Richard Laverack. 3 Little Egrets spent most of the day on the wader scrape with 2 Greylags. A Little Owl was present and a little further along on the marsh Kingfisher, 4 Canada Geese, 2 Water Rails, 2 Buzzards, Grey Wagtail, Goldcrest, 5 Stock Dove and a single Redwing.
At dusk Barn Owl was hunting from 17.56hrs and all 3 Little Egrets came up to roost on the marsh - a record in itself. Both male and female Tawny Owls were calling. (Dave Standish/Tony Harding)


  1. Cliff.Had 7 Waxwings in Hawthorns opposite our house at 7:20am this morning(Tuesday)They stayed about 10mins before moving due to dog walker.

  2. Great thanks Ziggy. It's good that they have been seen in most places around Barnsley, Cudworth having its best winter ever for them.


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