Thursday 9 March 2017

Carlton Marsh

A beautiful sunny day with wall to wall sunshine and a high of 14.1c. Three of us were scrub bashing this morning with little in the way of birding. However, 2 Lesser Black-backed gulls headed north and a Great Spot Woodpecker was nearby. Les Corrall & Ralph Hibbert walked the site providing us with 20 Canada Geese, 2 Greylags, Kingfisher, 3 Goldcrests, 4 Redpolls, Buzzard and a male Peregrine north.
A Comma was on the wing and 21 Herald moths were still enjoying their winter sleep. Small Tortoiseshell butterflies are now appearing in urban gardens.
A Redshank was feeding on the wader scrape this afternoon. Rod Heeley.

Dearne Valley Park
Grey Wagtail, Goldcrest, Bullfinch 2, Comma butterfly 6. (Chris Parkin)

Rabbit Ings Country Park
33 Snipe were flushed from Monckton Flash (Mick Birkinshaw)

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