Sunday 12 March 2017

Edderthorpe area

Wildfowl weekend count day again, highlights from this bit of the valley;-
Edderthorpe & Houghton
Shelduck 4, Mallard 115, Teal 63, Shoveler 55, Gadwall 58, Wigeon 113, Tufted 29, Pochard 13, Goosander 3, Little Egret 2, Lapwing 33, Redshank 5, Chiffchaff 1, Willow Tit 1.

Ferry Moor & Cudworth Common
lots of birds on Cudworth Common , until the dog-walkers appeared in force. Teal 27, Gadwall 18, Wigeon 5, Shoveler 2, Goosander 1, Lapwing 42, Ringed Plover 12, Redshank 10.

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