Saturday 11 March 2017

Newmillerdam - 11 March 2017

A lapwing was seen displaying over the fields to the west of Seckar Wood and was new for the year. A couple of skylarks were also seen, as well as green woodpecker and kestel on the heathland, and 25 lesser redpolls in the birch woodland. A total of 47 species were seen today, my personal best for the site.

Black-headed gull (106), blackbird, blue tit, bullfinch (2), Canada goose (18), carrion crow, chaffinch, coal tit (4), collared dove (3), coot (32), dunnock, feral pigeon (2), goldcrest (1), goldfinch, goosander (2f), great crested grebe (2), great spotted woodpecker (3), great tit, green woodpecker (2), greenfinch (4), greylag goose (7), house sparrow, jackdaw (2), jay (6), kestrel (1), lapwing (1), lesser redpoll (25), long-tailed tit, magpie, mallard (134), mistle thrush (5), moorhen (9), mute swan (7), nuthatch (2), pheasant (1), pied wagtail (3), robin, rook (3), skylark (2), song thrush (3), sparrowhawk (1), starling (6), teal (6), treecreeper (1), whooper swan (1), woodpigeon, wren (8).


  1. Hi Brian, I wonder if Common Lizard can still be found in Seckar Wood? If its like I remember it, there may be a possibility of Nightjar stopping off there in spring.

  2. The open heathland is still there Cliff and relatively undisturbed so I'll keep my eye out as spring progresses.


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