Tuesday 14 March 2017

Newmillerdam - 14 March 2017

Blustery afternoon with periods of sunshine and clear blue skies.

Great views of a buzzard soaring over Seckar Wood and the lapwing were in the field west of Seckar again. There were ten pied wagtails in the sheep pasture north of Bushcliffe House along with 38 redwing on the way to Newmillerdam, where a pair of great crested grebes were settled down on the lake at dusk in a pair. The other two, don't seem to have paired up yet and are usually seen apart. I got great views of the redpoll as they sat in the trees beside the lake and confirmed a second female teal for the first time this year. The four teals were swimming as two pairs.

Black-headed gull (79), buzzard (1), Canada goose (12), coot (31), goosander (1f), great crested grebe (4), great spotted woodpecker (2), green woodpecker (1), grey wagtail (2), greylag goose (11), lapwing (2), lesser redpoll (2), mallard (143), moorhen (6), mute swan (7), pied wagtail (10), redwing (38), skylark (1), teal (4), treecreeper (1), tufted duck (1), whooper swan (1).

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