Thursday 2 March 2017

Wintersett 02.04.17

3 - 6 degrees with sunshine,  scattered cloud but a very cold westerly wind. A short shower mid morning and in the distance snow on the moor tops.
Disposal Point:  Buzzard 2.
Moorhouse Lane Pond:  Sparrowhawk 1, Teal 17 , Pochard 1,  Wigeon 35,   Gadwall   and  Green Woodpecker  1. 
Anglers CP: An adult Mediterranean Gull left south at 08.20hrs.  Oystercatcher 4 + 1 WRes..  Siskin 2.  Pochard 16 + 1 WRes..  Shoveler 13.   Greylag Goose 12.  A dead Wigeon,  on the north bank, provided a nice breakfast for 3 carrion crows.   Curlew 1 and Redwing 5 in back field.
Wintersett Res.  3 male Cetti's Warblers were singing this morning:- north bank,  south east corner and boathouse reeds.   Willow Tit  1 male SE corner and 1 west bank.

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