Monday 6 March 2017

Wintersett 06.03.17

Up tp 9 degrees, sunny with scattered cloud and a light north westerly.  Still very wet underfoot, especially around Wintersett Res. but felt like Spring.
Wintersett Res:  2 Sand Martins were flying around near the north bank at 08.20 this morning.  The 2 Sand Martins seen yesterday by G Ashworth and S. Allen were the earliest ever seen here - previously 9th March in 2002 and 2012 (see previous blog post).  The Chiffchaff,  Skylarks and Yellowhammer were singing  as were 3 male Cetti's Warblers - west bank,  SE corner and boathouse.  The north bank Cetti's Warbler was singing this afternoon.
Botany Bay:  Lapwings were displaying over Botany paddock/field.
Moorhouse Lane Big Pond: Wigeon 38 and Teal 10. No sign of Firecrest today.
Anglers CP:  4 Curlews,  a Buzzard hunting Wood Pigeons,  a Green Woodpecker and 2 Grey Partridges were all in the back fields.   2 pairs of Oystercatchers went head to head in a posturing/screaming match on the north bank this afternoon.

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