Friday 24 March 2017

Wintersett 24.03.17

Light frost to start, then up to 11 degrees with sun and blue sky and an easterly breeze.
Anglers CP: A Sand Martin was checking out the Box at 09.15hrs, presumably a breeder from last year.  3 Curlew were in the back fields.
Moorhouse Lane Pond: The first  male Blackcap of spring was seen by Chris Swaine late this afternoon.
Cold Hiendley Res:  Grey Wagtail 1.
Wintersett Res: 
4 male Cetti's Warblers were singing this morning:- north bank,  north east corner, south east corner and west bank.  The north east corner bird is ringed and has no tail. It is presumed to be the boathouse reedbed bird that has relocated, after surviving a predator attack, when it lost its tail.
A siskin flew over and a trickle of Meadow Pipits were moving north west.
Of interest: A Ring-necked Parakeet flew over Walton CP at 11.00hrs.

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