Monday 27 March 2017

Wintersett 27.03.17

Up to 9 degrees but felt a lot colder, dull with 8/8 cloud and south easterly wind.
Anglers CP:  Green Woodpecker 1 Hare Park + 1 HP Gully.  A Curlew was in the back field. 
Wintersett Res:  We're back to 4 male Cetti's Warblers today, with the tailless bird seen by Steve Denny,  back in the boathouse reeds, early this morning.   The north bank bird was over on Botany,  The south east corner bird was near the cattle stiles and the west bank bird stayed put.  John Baxter saw a male Blackcap on the west bank and a Water Rail was heard from the north bank.

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