Sunday 19 March 2017

Wintersett 18th & 19th weekend

A moderately strong westerly wind with occasional showers but very mild most of the weekend.

Wildfowl numbers are still fairly high with 102 Goldeneye still present and 8 Shoveler. Cormorant 13 on the Country Park, as was a Water rail with another calling on the res. The 4 Oystercatchers are all still present, 2 Curlews bubbling in the back fields and a good count of 25 Common Snipe and a single Jack Snipe on the Pol. Three different Peregrines were over the Top Res on Sunday, a pair of adults together and a juvenile and Common Buzzards were soaring much of the day with at least a dozen seen. A couple of single Sand Martins slowly made their way northwards on Sunday. In the bushes up to 14 Chiffchaffs were singing as were a couple of Cettis Warblers and a pair of Willow Tits, all on the Top Res.

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