Saturday 20 May 2017

Carlton Marsh

We don't seem to have much look with Mute Swans, the pen appears to have abandoned the nest! A male Cuckoo was singing first thing this morning and a female gave her babbling call later. A single LRP was on the Wader Scrape with Lapwing, but other than that it was quiet. (Dave Smith/Jim Plant)
Turning our attentions to insects, day flying moths included Silver Y, Silver Ground Carpet and Dingy Shell (our 5th record).
Butterflies on show were, 2 Peacock, 2 Common Blue, 6 Orange-tip, 1 Small Copper and 3 Dingy Skipper. (Chris Parkin/CG) 

A Goldcrest was singing in my Cudworth garden again today!

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