Friday 12 May 2017

Wintersett 12.05.17

7 - 15 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a cool north easterly this morning and a warmer south easterly by late afternoon.
A variety of goodies today with a new bird for the year list.
Anglers CP:  Black Tern 1.  Common Sandpiper 2.  Curlew 2.  Wigeon 1 pair. Hobby 1 over.  
Wintersett Res:  A booming BITTERN was heard this morning 07.30hrs.  Common Tern 8 + 4 later.  Cuckoo 1 m + 1m MLPond.     A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling and showing well on the north east bank.  Lesser Whitethroat 1m.  Cetti's Warbler 6 m.  Grey Wagtail 1.  A LITTLE  STINT, in summer plumage,  was on the boathouse slipway from 15.35hrs to 15.50hrs, in line with a small influx nationally.
Moorhouse Lane Pond: Little Ringed Plover 1.  Grey Partridge 2.  Yellow Wagtail 1.  Teal 1.   Moorhen 4 young.
Chris Swaine has been busy again.  He constructed and erected a replacement Tawny Owl Box.  Another job well done. Keep it up Chris!

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