Thursday 18 May 2017

Wintersett 18.05.17

8 - 10 degrees  with scattered cloud and a light north westerly.
Wintersett Res: Cuckoo 1m + 1m Disposal Point.  Common Tern 1.  Cetti's Warbler 6m.
Anglers CP: Herring Gull 5 over.  Wigeon 1 pair.   The pair of Oystercatchers at the northern end of the shallows have failed to rear their chick.  The parent was bringing in small white grubs but  the chick refused to eat them.  The Oystercatcher pair nearest the hide have presumably hatched young. These parents are also bringing in white grubs which are being refused.  In both cases the parent birds eat the grubs themselves.  What's going on?? 
Critter: The resident Yellow-bellied Slider was basking on the reeds by the boathouse bench this morning.

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