Saturday 27 May 2017

Wintersett 27.05.17

15 - 20 degrees with sun, scattered cloud and a light south westerly.  A short but heavy thunderstorm mid-afternoon.
Anglers CP: Little Ringed Plover 2.  Common Tern 1.  Wigeon 1 pair.  Oystercatcher 3 young.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 6 singing males - with the boathouse, north bank and north east bank birds being more mobile.  SE corner, west bank and ruin are more ore less static.
Lepidoptera: Red Admiral 2 ACP.
Another good moth night. Small Mottled Willow was the 3rd record for the Wintersett Area.  Silver Y,  Poplar Hawkmoth, Eyed Hawkmoth and Elephant Hawkmoth were the other notables.
Odonata: 2 male Red-eyed Damselflies were on Persicaria this morning.  A Broad-bodied Chaser was seen at ACP.

Small Mottled Willow       ACP  CSwaine

Red-eyed Damselfly  WRes.  PMeredith    (Record Shot)

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