Sunday 28 May 2017

Wintersett 28.05.17

15 - 19 degrees with variable cloud and north easterly breeze.
Moorhouse Lane Pond:  A 1st summer drake Scaup was showing well. 
Anglers CP: Wigeon 1 pair.  Common Tern 1.  Canada Goslings 20.  Mute Swan 5 cygnets.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's 6 males.    Swift 600.
Odonata:  Red-eyed Damselflies, including a pair in cop.  on three water bodies, show that this species is becoming established in the area.  3males + the pair in cop on Bistort at Botany Bay.  2 males on Bistort off the north east bank WRes., and 2 males on Water Lily, Golf Course Pond.
A Large Red Damselfly pair in cop and an Emperor were also on the Golf Course Pond.

   1st summer drake Scaup              MLPond       PMeredith

 Barn Owl Hunting    Wintersett    PMeredith

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