Thursday 1 June 2017

Wintersett 01.06.17

16 - 19 degrees with sun and scattered, but increasing cloud, and a westerly breeze.
Moorhouse Lane Big Pond:  The drake Scaup is still present.
Disposal Point: Grey Partridge 2. 
Anglers CP:  Little Ringed Plover 1.  Willow Tit  2.    Teal 1 male.  Oystercatcher 3 young.
Wintersett Res: Just 2 Cetti's Warblers singing quietly today - NE bank and Ruin area.   Archie had excellent news from the NE bank this morning. He  caught and ringed a female Grasshopper Warbler with a brood patch.   A Barn Owl flew over low, towards Cold Hiendley Res. at 19.14hrs.
In May we added 4 new birds to the Wintersett  year list, bringing the year to date total to 151

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