Monday 24 July 2017

Wintersett 24.07.17

14 - 18 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a north westerly wind.
Wintersett Res: 20 Common Tern + 1 adult Arctic Tern at 19.00hrs. A Hobby flew over the Willow Wood.
Disposal Point: Willow Tit 1.
Anglers CP: Pochard 1.  Sand Martin 300.
Lepidoptera: 5 Purple Hairstreak at Botany Quarry.

Pete Smith putting finishing touch to the VisMigbenches   ACP

                                             Arctic Tern       WRes.                       PMeredith

            Juvenile Common Tern      WRes                             PMeredith
Common Tern          WRes   PMeredith

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