Sunday 23 July 2017

Wintersett + another new bench! 23.07.17

15 - 18 degrees with mostly cloud and a north westerly breeze.  Heavy rain from late afternoon.  Easing off, but still steady rain towards 20.00hrs.
Wintersett Res: Sand Martin 40 over going south.  Common Gull 6.  Common Tern 6.  Grey Wagtail 1.  A Red Kite flew over north at 13.00hrs.  Kingfisher 1.  A Water Rail was in the west bank marsh. 
Cold Hiendley Res:  Teal 1,  Goldeneye 1 female.
Anglers CP: A Turnstone flew south east, calling at 08.50hrs.   Common Scoter 1 drake.  Common Sandpiper 2.
A total of 117 birds were ringed today.
Highlights were:  22 Sand Martins.  13 Willow Warblers.  14 Chiffchaffs.  14 Blackcaps.  4 Garden Warblers.  6 Whitethroat.  8 Reed Warblers.  2 Sedge Warblers.  1 Treecreeper.
The 2nd new, luxury bench was installed on Vis.Mig Hill, legacy of the late John Cudworth.

Paul Meredith,  Chris Swaine,  Graham Speight,  Steve Denny
This is my spot - Ange Smith .       Chris still suffering from blisters!
Anglers CP VisMig Watchpoint     Bring on the Autumn.

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