Monday 18 September 2017

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 18.09.17

9 - 12 degrees with 7/8 to 5/8 cloud this morning and a cold, light north westerly.  Sunny spells this afternoon.   Rain from 18.00hrs.
Anglers CP: Shoveler 1 + 13 MLPond,   Teal 3   Little Grebe 3.  SWIFT 1. 
Wintersett Res: The Little Gull was present until late morning.  An Arctic Tern was flying around this afternoon.   3 male Cetti's were singing - north bank, east bank and boathouse reeds.   Willow Tit 1 SE corner. 
Moorhouse Lane Pond: Marsh Harrier 1 CC,   Wigeon 1,  Kestrel 2,  Buzzard 2. 

Gull Roosts:                             Wintersett Res              Anglers CP
Yellow-legged Gull               10                    3                                 7
Lesser Black-backed Gull   414                240                             174
Great Black-backed Gull        5                                                        5

               Arctic Tern          WRes   CSwaine

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