Saturday 16 September 2017

Wintersett + VisMig + Roost 16.09.17

9 - 12 degrees,  dull with 6/8 cloud  and a very cold northerly wind.
Wintersett Res. Dawn Roost: Lesser Black-backed Gull 600.  Yellow-legged Gull  10.
Wintersett Res: The 1st W Little Gull still present.   Cetti's Warbler 1 singing male boathouse reeds.  Hobby 1. Blackcap 3, Chiffchaff 2. 
Cold Hiendley Res: Barn Owl 1.
Anglers CP VisMig: 06.30 - 12.00hrs 
Going east: A total of  258 Pink-footed Goose in skeins 17 at 09.15hrs,  + 37 at 09.20hrs + 60  at 09.35hrs + 75 at  09.45hrs + 45 at 09.55hrs + 24 at 10.30hrs.
Going west: Pintail 3.  Snipe 3 + 1 north
Going north: Golden Plover 1,  Snipe 4
Going south:Swift 1 south
Anglers CP: Pochard 95 ,  Lesser Redpoll 1, Sand Martin 2,  Swift 1,   Peregrine 1.  Little Grebe 6 + 3 WRes..
Chris Swaine has been busy building nest boxes.  Today he  sited two more  in the area.   Great job!

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