Sunday 15 October 2017

Wintersett + VisMig. + Evening Update 15.10.17

12 - 18 degrees with 6/8 but decreasing cloud and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP VisMig: 07.10 - 12.00hrs.
Golden Plover 32 SW + 7 NE. Bullfinch 8 west.  SWALLOW 2 south
Going southwest. : Dunlin 1.  Wood Pigeon 1170.   Stock Dove 1 Starling 138.  Skylark 39.  Redwing 53.  Song Thrush 3.  Mistle Thrush 2.  Grey Wagtail 1.  Pied Wagtail 25.  Meadow Pipit 16.  Chaffinch 21.    Greenfinch 47.  Linnet 2.  Lesser Redpoll 50.  Siskin 3  + 6.  Reed Bunting 3.
VisMig. Highlights were a bit weird this morning:  The Dunlin was migrating in a flock of  circa 70 Wood Pigeons. A  high flying Dunnock went west  and a midday Noctule bat was a surprise.
All VisMig records can be found at
Anglers CP: Teal 3.  Pink-footed Goose 2.
Wintersett Res: 17.45 - 19.00 hrs Kingfisher 1. 3 male Cetti's Warblers were heard - Boathouse Reeds,  NBank and WBank.  A Tawny Owl was calling from the Willow Wood.  The day had an exciting end when 2 Bitterns were picked up from the dam wall,  flying left in front of the boathouse 18.30hrs.   They continued to the end of the boathouse reeds before turning back and flying back to the boathouse, along the north bank, down the east bank and across to the  south west corner   One dropped into the willows on the west bank and one dropped into the west bank marsh at 18.40hrs.  The birds seemed to be looking for somewhere to roost  and were probably new in to the area.
We also have Belated Bittern Reports at Wintersett Res . on 17th, 18th, 21st, 23rd, 26th & 28th September 2017.
Lepidoptera:Pits Wood Ivy:   Speckled Wood 1.  Comma 4  and Red Admiral 10. 

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