Sunday 31 December 2017

Wintersett Annual Round Up 2017

Wintersett Annual Round Up 2017

Spring: Started cold and dry, with Storm Doris from the south west on 23rd February,
March was warm.   April was dry and sunny, but with cooling westerlies.
Summer was cool and wet.
Autumn was mild with westerly winds prevailing.
Winter: November and December were cool and mainly dry with a several very mild days and snow on 29.12.17.

The Wintersett Area recorded 166 bird species for 2017
same as last year, with no new birds added since October 21st

The Top Ten Birds were: -
1. White-tailed Eagle - first record for the area, on 29.04.17.
2. Marsh Warbler – a male trapped and ringed 03.06.17. Last one was 28 years ago,
3. Sabine's Gull – 21.09.17
4. Common Crane – 02.07.17
5. Hawfinch - a total of 11 flyovers on 21, 28, 29, October and 11 November
6. European White-fronted Goose - 9 flew north 22.02.17.
7. Hen Harrier 24,05,17 + 10.09.17
8. Firecrest - 23.01.17 + 1 ringed 26,10,17
9. Dark-bellied Brent Goose 27.09.17
10. Long-tailed Duck 24.04.17

Other highlights:-
12 species of Gull recorded this year: Great Black-backed,, Lesser Black-backed, Yellow-legged, Herring, Common, Mediterranean, Black-headed, Caspian, Iceland, Glaucous, Little and Sabine's .
10 species of Wader recorded on one epic Vis.Mig. Watch on 30th April. Dunlin, Sanderling, Bar-tailed Godwit, Little Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Turnstone, Little Stint, Avocet, Curlew and Lapwing.
2 Sand Martin on March 5th were the earliest ever recorded here.
Glaring Omissions:  RINGED PLOVER! Smew, Short-eared Owl, Long-eared Owl and Ring-necked Parakeet to name but a few!

Other Critters
9 species of Bat were recorded in the area.
Noctule, Common pipistrelle, Soprano pipistrelle, Brown Long-eared, Daubenton's, Leisler's, Brandt's/ Whiskered, Natterer's. The highlight was Nathusius' pipistrelle, a rare migrant.

Odonata Red-eyed Damselfly were recorded on Wintersett Res, Botany Bay and Golf Course Pond confirmed breeding.
A male Lesser Emperor  was at Anglers CP on the 18th, 19th  and 21st June.   A male Lesser Emperor Dragonfly was at Wintersett Res SE corner on 21st June and 22nd July..  
A male Red-veined Darter was seen on Anglers CP on 17th, 18th, 19th and 21st June.
A 'rare for here' Banded Demoiselle was seen at Anglers CP on 18th June by Mick Hemingway.

Very poor numbers of most regular species. Red Admirals flourished in the autumn.

Moth highlights:
2 macros:- Waved Umber and Triple-spotted Pug were new for the area.
4 micros were new for the area. Confirmed by Harry Beaumont.

Coleoptera:  2 Green Tiger Beetles on the Disposal Point on 21.05.17 were the first record for the area.   On 28.09.17 several Galeruca tanaceti were seen at Moorhouse Lane Pond - another 1st for the area.    Both records confirmed by Mike Denton.

And finally:
The Wintersett Team  wish everyone
A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    and excellent birding in 2018

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