Thursday 11 January 2018

Carlton Marsh

I hope you saw Pete Wall, Carlton Marsh and the Dearne Valley feature by Tom Clarke on Channel 4 News this evening. The weather for filming the Willow Tits was drizzly, but the camera picked them out okay.
This morning was quiet apart from 2 pairs of Tufted Duck a male Shoveler, 2 pairs of Willow Tits, Coal Tit and Mistle Thrush singing. Little Egret and 12 Herring Gulls were feeding on the wader scrape and corvids included 36 Magpies, 23 Crows and c25 Jackdaws. A Peregrine was lurking nearby.
To round the day off Bittern stood in front of one of the islands from 15.50hrs to 16.05hrs before swimming across to an adjacent island. (Karen Pickard)

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