Sunday 7 January 2018

Wintersett Bird Race and Gull Roost 07.01.18

-1 to 3 degrees,  frosty start with clear sky and a light north easterly.
The Wintersett Wonders Bird Racers, (Pete Smith,  Paul Meredith, Pete Williamson and Chris Swaine), were out from  06.45hrs to 17.30hrs.  In that time they saw a fantastic total of 86 species,  81 in the Wintersett recording area and 5 more at other sites.  
Highlight was a juvenile Iceland Gull leaving north from Anglers CP at 07.45hrs.
Other notables were 2 Jack Snipe,  13 Snipe and a Linnet at Anglers CP.  
At Wintersett Res.  a Water Rail  was in the boathouse reeds, a male Cetti's Warbler was on the north bank and a  Willow Tit was in the south east corner.    
3 skeins of Pink-footed Geese flew over the area  35 + 80 west and 96 south east.
WRes. Gull Roost:  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  Great Black-backed Gull 60.  Herring Gull 1200.

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