Saturday 20 January 2018

Wintersett + Gull Roost 20.01.18

0 - 2 degrees with sun,  showers and eventually 8/8 cloud and a north westerly breeze.
Anglers CP:  Collared Dove 11.  Siskin 30.  Fieldfare 60 + 34 Canal sheep field.   Redwing 30 + 4 Canal sheep field.
9 birds were ringed in the first session of the year at ACP.   1  Bullfinch,  1 Goldfinch,
1 Coal Tit,  1 Wren1 Redwing,  1 Blackbird and 3 Blue Tit.
Walton Canal
Wintersett Res:  Willow Tit 1  SW bank.
WRes.Gull Roost: Herring Gull 2200,  Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.  Great Black-backed Gull 7.

This Redwing was the first bird ringed in 2018.       ACP       R Bailey

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