Friday 2 February 2018

Old Moor Sofa

101 species have been recorded in the Old Moor Area this year, the full list as follows :- Mute Swan (1), Pink Footed Goose (2), Grey Lag Goose (3), Canada Goose (4), Barnacle Goose (5), Shelduck (6), Wigeon (7), Gadwall (8), Teal (9), Mallard (10), Pintail (11), Shoveler (12), Pochard (13), Tufted Duck (14), Goldeneye (15), Smew (16), Goosander (17), Red Legged Partridge (18), Grey Partridge (19), Pheasant (20), Cormorant (21), Bittern (22), Little Egret (23), Grey Heron (24), Little Grebe (25), Great Crested Grebe (26), Marsh Harrier (27), Sparrowhawk (28), Buzzard (29), Kestrel (30), Peregrine (31), Water Rail (32), Moorhen (33), Coot (34), Oystercatcher (35), Golden Plover (36), Lapwing (37), Dunlin (38), Green Sandpiper (39), Redshank (40), Jack Snipe (41), Snipe (42), Woodcock (43), Black Headed Gull (44), Common Gull (45), LBB Gull (46), Herring Gull (47), GBB Gull (48), Stock Dove (49), Woodpigeon (50), Collared Dove (51), Barn Owl (52), Little Owl (53), Tawny Owl (54), Kingfisher (55), Green Woodpecker (56), Great Spotted Woodpecker (57), Magpie (58), Jay (59), Jackdaw (60), Rook (61), Carrion Crow (62), Goldcrest (63), Blue Tit (64), Great Tit (65), Coal Tit (66), Willow Tit (67), Marsh Tit (68), Bearded Tit (69), Skylark (70), Cetti's Warbler (71), Long Tailed Tit (72), Chiffchaff (73), Nuthatch (74), Treecreeper (75), Wren (76), Starling (77), Blackbird (78), Fieldfare (79), Song Thrush (80), Redwing (81), Mistle Thrush (82), Robin (83), Stonechat (84), Dunnock (85), House Sparrow (86), Tree Sparrow (87), Grey Wagtail (88), Pied Wagtail (89), Meadow Pipit (90), Chaffinch (91), Brambling (92), Hawfinch (93), Greenfinch (94), Goldfinch (95), Siskin (96), Linnet (97), Lesser Redpoll (98), Bullfinch (99), Yellowhammer (100), Reed Bunting (101).

For comparison in January 2015 the number of species recorded was 98 and in January 2016 the number was 100.

A further nine species were seen in those two January's but not this - Whooper Swan, Egyptian Goose, Ruddy Duck, Curlew, Ringed Plover, Ruff, Yellow Legged Gull, Mediterranean Gull and Blackcap.

We have had a fairly standard start to the year with the highlights being last years Hawfinch and Marsh Tit hanging on into the New Year and both still present to the end of the Month, also nice to see Marsh Harrier hanging about all Month perhaps this is the year they will be added to the breeding birds list?

On the down side no Whooper Swans seen all Month and no Ruddy Duck, the long staying bird at Broomhill Flash was last seen in June 2017.

For comparison some other inland sites totals to date are as follows:-

Swillington Ings, West Yorkshire 110.

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