Thursday 31 May 2018

Carlton Marsh 30/5/18

(Wednesday) On the wader scrape there were 12 L.B.B. Gulls (1 with a dark green darvic ring left leg) and 70 Herring Gulls (1st summer with yellow darvic ring left leg ).
Later in the evening Harry Beaumont joined us in a moth session. It was a good night with muggy overcast conditions around 14c. Here are some of the scarcer more colourful of the 43 macro species caught.

 Alder Moth (CG)
 Clouded Bordered Brindle
 Marbled White Spot
 Peach Blossom
 Peppered Moth
 Small Elephant Hawk Moth
Others in included the beautiful Lime Hawk Moth, Blood Vein, Figure of Eighty, Mottled Pug, Silky Wainscot, Pale Tussock, Pebble Hook-tip and White Pinion-spotted.

Today (Thursday 31/5/18)
Keith Bannister saw what he thought was a Egyptian Goose leaving the wader scrape around 8am. I believe that one turned up at Anglers soon after.
Then at 08.52hrs Russ Boland phoned in to say that a male Mandarin was on the wader scrape. It had relocated to the main scrape and was still here this evening.

 Mandarin (Dave Standish)
Cetti's Warbler, Kingfisher, Buzzard and Pink Foot Goose were present.

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