Thursday 17 May 2018

Carlton Marsh

Pretty much the same as yesterday Herring Gull 22, LBB Gull 4, Grey Wagtail with young. Tufted Duck increased to 6 pairs and new Mallard broods totalled 26 young. 2 Lesser Whitethroats were singing and 6 Swallows and 2 Swifts passed through. Geoff Miller informs me that his Beech Avenue, Cudworth colony only has around 6 pairs instead of the usual 20 pairs. Its difficult to argue that it's because of bad weather after recent fine settled conditions. So if this is reflected elsewhere where are they?
A male Peregrine was perched up nearby and a Pink Foot Goose was present.

1 comment:

  1. Most years usually 20+ House Martin collecting mud off Wombwell Ings for nest building in Darfield. In past week only 5 to 10 birds.


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